martes, 19 de febrero de 2013


Cisco advantages for the VoIP termination are resume in


  • Expand their territories by taking advantage of low startup costs for new points of presence (POPs).
  • IP networks are less expensive to build and maintain

  • Easiest interconnection with others carriers
  • Obtain high-quality, low-cost long distance services using their existing infrastructure
  • Receive significant savings on their long distance calls.
  • Because packet switching makes much more efficient use of network capacity, IP networks can move both voice and data at a far lower cost. ISPs can take advantage of lower switching costs and lower per-call bandwidth.
  • Providing VoIP services within the local calling area


Equipment Required


1)      Voice over IP Gateway. Recommended Cisco technology AS53XX. According to the  local territory  E1 or T1 models.


2)      Radius . Operating Software for billing.


This minimum configuration  per equipment can handle up to 500,000 minutes per month and upgraded to increase its capacity by up to four times (up to 2,500.000 minutes per month). This upgrade is performed by adding to the switch  more E1/T1 lines.


On Site Requirements

(For  each operational nodes)

        1) Local ISP provider for a capacity of 18 Kbps per call. For 1 E1 (30 Channels) recommend minimum 512 Kbps.

        2) Minimum of 1 E1  local connection .



Fixed Expenses

1)      Local calls to be paid to the negotiated local  PTT rates

2)      ISP  monthly services

3)      Technical Staff

4)      Rental Space


Technical Services:

NGN can provide the technical network service available. And billing solution for the VoIP termination model.


Calls Termination

With ample experience in the area of wholesale telecom traffic, NGN could provide you with the most reliable carrier.

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